Thursday, October 29, 2009



Everyone knows that thought is the seed of action and you are sum of all actions. Hence purity of thought and purity of mind. Here again controlling the thoughts attain immense importance . Keeping bad thoughts away, blocking wrong thoughts and turning your thoughts to positive direction is important.
We see in religious books photogratps of God ,Goddeses ,Christ & others with halo around their face. It is the TEZ or AURA that is seen. It can be really big if your thoughts are pure and positive . It is purity of thought that is on your face and everybody in vicinity gets influenced by it.
I am going to narrate a very old story here . Long time ago in a kingdom there was shop selling wood in front of a big MAHAL or Palace for long long time. One day king woke up and came to balcony and seeing the shop ,he found it obstructing his view. He called his minister and said that this woodshop is ugly and ordered to burn the shop to ground. The minister had no choice but to follow orders and he went to woodshop with few of sainiks and told the poor shopkeeper of king orders apologetically. The shopkeeper said that I have my shop in front of Palace for more than 40 years but today I had a strange thought in the morning when I got up. In morning when I saw big stock of costly SANDLE WOOD lying unused in shop I thought that if king dies today all my Sandle wood stock will be liquidqted . Minister said to shopowner that it was a wrong thought as king has done no harm to you ever ,You could have thought that If king arranged for MAHAYAGYA or Big Puja all your sandle wood will be utilised today only. The shopkeeper immediately realised his mistake and said yes it was a wrong thought and I feel bad about it. The same instant King had a change of heart and thought why I shoud harm poor shopowner and sent his bodyguard to inform minister not to burn the shop and leave the matter.
So that is the power of positive thought . Think good for everyone and keep your thought positive , you may be surprised by the positive results.

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