Wednesday, March 09, 2011


We miss more than we see or experience...
Because we experience life in matter through the body or filter, we are fooled into believing that matter is the only thing around. Our matter body and our conscious mind are in synchronicity with the perceptions we create from our surroundings. We do not experience all the other energies or realities ,for example we cant see or experience microwaves though our cell phone can feel it, or we cant feel radiowaves though our radioset can catch hundreds of stations as so many radiowaves surrounds us. They are from a different dimension or realm. Since we experience only a fraction of what's going on - we are deceived by our human awareness system. Our awareness system is very limited, but on the other hand, it is a brilliant masterpiece of creation for it is only aware of certain aspects of creation. Quite the feat, for all this is done on purpose! The great Co-Creators are very very crafty...

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