Monday, November 09, 2009


Science is what answers our question why this happens and a
quest the human have to find the unknown and to go foreward
and to solve the mysteries of universe and the things around us.
It is like churning and it keeps throwing things up some of which
are good and some are bad.For example electricity,trains,
aeroplanes,medicines are good and pollution,Nuclear bombs and
radiation are bad.
          I am reminded of old tale of Devtas (Gods)and Asurs
(demons) churning the ocean for fruits .  The ocean was big and Devtas realised  that it was not possible for them to churn the ocean alone
and they must have Demons on other side to help them. Then problem
arose with what to churn the ocean because they needed something
big.  Finally     mountain by name of Manthar was chosen for the
 pourpose. Then they needed a big and strong rope and there was
 none fit for this pourpose so they started searching and finally decided to use
the great snake named Vasuki  for this pourpose.   Then
finally the churning started and good things and bad things started
coming out. There was  kamdhenu  Cow which can give anything you want for eating.Then there was Parijata,the tree of paradise which can grant you any amount of money or jewels you wished.Other things which came out were Chandra(Moon),Lakshmi(The Godess),Varuni(intoxicating drink),Apsaras(beautiful women),Kastubha(beautiful gem),Kadali vriksha(them herbal tree),Shankha(Konch),Airawat(Powerful elephant),Uchchaishravas(Winged horse ,cornered by Indra) The Gods fooled the Demons and kept all these good things.
.Lot of other poisonous things were passed on to Demons but by now they started having doubts about intentions of Devtas and then VISH named Kalakuta was discovered poison of all poisons mere smell of which could kill a person and nobody wanted to keep it.Even handling it was difficult and everybody wanted to throw it but couldn’t find the place. If thrown on earth ,it would have killed every thing including vegetation.No body wanted any part of this VISH and they had no clue how to dispose it off so Devtas asked LORD VISHNU and he suggested that there is only one person who can handle the poison that is LORD SHIVA.All DEVTAS ran to LORD SHIVA and  requested him to help them.Lord Shiva agreed to drink the
vish but it was so poisonous that even he could,t have digested it .
So he drank the poison and kept it in his throat and his throat
turned blue to its effect.Thus he is called NEELKANTH
meaning person with blue throat.
          In last rose from the sea Dhanvantari the great Physician with pot of AMRIT(Elixer of immortality) and the fight broke out between Devtas and Asurs for its possession .Devtas did
not want the Asurs to have Amrit because then it would become
impossible to defeat them in war.Lord Vishnu was aproached
and he came dressed as a beautiful lady and told them to cool down
and she will distribute the AMRIT equally among them and asked
them to sit in separate lines ,one for Devtas and one for Asurs.Then
moving provocatively he dressed as she started giving them the AMRIT
but he fooled Asurs by giving them plain water to drink and Devtas
Amrit.Two Demons RAHU and Ketu got suspicious and sat in line
of Devtas and drank Amrit.As soon as Lord Vishnu realised this
he beheaded them but couldn’t kill them and according to legend they
still lives and can create trouble in people lives.
          The above story has parallel in modern times.The research
in science is like churning the ocean an good as well as bad things
keep coming out .The difference is this time round people living in Developed countries are Devtas and we living in third world countries are Asurs.Most of
good things are cornered by people living in developed countries
and bad things like pollution and waste is dumped on third world countries
The ultimate poison is nuclear devices and nuclear waste or something more evil is still to come.Amrit may be coming soon with breaking of gene code and human gene project is complete and cloning is possible.
Modern medicine is also amrit  and one of the good things churned out of science but we living here in our ignorance waste this fruit of science.
          To end the story NRIs are Rahu and Ketus of modern times
enjoying fruits of science.

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