Wednesday, November 04, 2009



When one gets up in morning he goes to toilet ,brushes his teeth , takes bath ,does exercise and hosts of other activities targeted towards keeping his body healthy ,but does little all day towards keeping his psyche healthy. In fact most of us have no concept of a healthy psyche or mental fitness.
You are going through a lonely passage through garden and there are many fruit laden trees around you and you cant see a caretaker. You are tempted and you pluck some fruits from trees and enjoys the fruits .No one sees you. There is no real loss to trees and it makes little difference to owner of the garden but you have harmed yourself tremendously. You have just erased the genuine software from your mind and substituted with a virus that theft or things acquired by wrongful means are OK . This VIRUS will get multiplied in times to come and may lead to crashing of your software in future. So whenever you are doing something wrong or thinking wrong things about others , others may or may not be harmed but surely you are bing harmed tremendously. So keep your thoughts positive and think good things and do good things to keep your software healthy and working. Will tell you things to keep your psyche healthy.

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