Sunday, October 29, 2006


Stress is body responce to stressful situations in life.These
situations can be serious like loss of job,marietal problems,
failure in exams,financial problems or can be daily problems
like work pressure.
1. acute stress
2. chronic stress
3. panic disorder
4. burnt out syndrome
-back and neck pain
-poor concentration
-irritable bowel syndrome
-increase use of cigarettes
-alcohol dependence
-frequent sickness or absenteeism
-marital discord

As the name suggest it looks as patient all physical and
mental energy is drained out and he has no energy left to
do any job and even routine works are difficult for him to do
Here patient is constantly moody, irritable, coming late at
work, neglect his job, depression and thoughts like he is struck
in wrong proffesion.
Apart from the bad effects of stress on mind body also bears
the burnt of stress .Stress leads to secretion of adrenaline causing
repeated flight or fight responce .High release of glucocorticoids
leads to high catabolic state like breakdown of energy
stores in liver,breakdown of protiens,weakening of muscles
and bones and ultimately leading to premature ageing.
1.systemic hrpertention
2.Impaired digestion
3.Peptic ulceration
5.Supressed growth
7.Irregular menses
8.Chronic fatigue
9.neuronal damage
10.Increased accidents and untimely death
As the name suggests when anxiety start person try to
control it by his mental strength and will and try hard that people
around him should not know about it.As the tension levels go up
it start showing as he develops tremors,he is sweating,there are
muscle twitch esp. around eyes, tics develop and other signs of mental
unrest like loss of concentration. When tension levels rise further
his voluntary control over body slowly goes and he becomes panicky.
In panic disorder patient is in panic and he has little control over his
thoughts or actions.
At the start I would like to clarify that tension or stress is
not a dirty world.There was time in 70s when if you say to a
person you are tense or you have tension it was taken as abuse
but no more .Now we realise that anybody and everybody can
have stress at some point of time in his lifetime.The gorilla war
of USA with Vietcong in 60s proved beyond doubt that everybody
can be broken if stress is severe.When soldiers came back from
war there were lot of stress related disorders and even the tough
ones were broken and not the same person any more and took
lot of time and treatment to heal.
1.TO realise that nothing is perfect in this imperfect world.To
expect perfection leads to misery.While doing a job mistakes are
made and should be taken as aid to learning and not a thing leading
to guilt complex.
2.react lightly to a problem and at the same time seeking solution
to it.There should not be any negative thinking that one cant do anything
about a problem.Worrying is a waste of nervous energy and waste of
3.A sense of Humour and a ability to laugh on oneself and on
difficult situations is a good way of keeping tensions away.To remain
happy today is more important than just planning for happy future and
making life miserable at present.If you are happy it boosts self
confidence and make you more successful.
4.Managing time efficiently also reduces tensions.
5.defining your goals long term,midterm,short term and goals for today and
try achieving them or adjusting them realistically goes a long way
to reduce tensions.
6.Do not imagine problems.Often in stress there are thought that every situation will turn difficult and nobody will come to help me or nobody can
help me.
7.Share your problems with friends well-wishers .This may solve the
problems or can reduce tensions that is why it is important to have
good friends and to develop friendships.
8.Develop hobbies or sport interest away from your main work.
This is important because hobbies can take your mind away from
problems and can relax you.
9.One must try to spoil oneself once a while .A stage in life comes
when you have to reward yourself or let yourself indulge in fun and
enjoyment once a while.
10.Counseling or group therapy.

Very good tranqulisers and antidepressants are available but

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