Monday, October 09, 2006


You want to succesed and you want to win the world then first you
have to win your mind ,your thought.
By this I mean that you have to control your thought.I will tell you
the problems of not controling thoughts.You are in class room and
a teacher is teaching you and your mind keep drifting to some where
else then you cant learn what is being taught.
It is a great advantage to be able to focus on a subject you want
at any time of day,for any length of time and to switch to any other
subject of your choice.If one is able to achieve fast switching between
various subjects than it is even better.For a person in high position
to be successful it is a must condition.It is like opening new files
swiftly If one is able to deal with many subjects of diversity at one time
it is indeed great.It is like you have many aplications going in your
computer and working with many of them simultaneously.This may
look difficult but we all do these things many a time.One who is able to
do it better is at a advantageous position in life and can achieve greater
Controling your thoughts and change your thoughts to any direction
becomes even more important at times of stress,danger or anger.
For example you are sad or you are hurt and you have to do lot of
routine work or you have to study than it becomes important that
you are able to switch to work at hand and your mind is not drifting
back to your hurt feelings otherwise your performance is going to
to be below standerd.Anger is harmful to body and mind and to
switch from angry thoughts as soon as possible is important.Even at
times of excitement or some things have effected your mind and your
thoughts keep going back and you are not able to concentrate on work
at hand is also a common occurrence.It can occur after a good movie or
TV programme.
When you are watching TV you want the
remote in your hand and want to be able to switch channels at will.
Well then have remote of your mind with you and dont leave it to
chance or in any other hand by any chance.Think of advantage of

religious channel in morning,buisness channel in afternoon and sex
channel in night.Think of problems when you cant switch to sex
channel in bed with your wife.So hold onto your remote.

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