Wednesday, March 09, 2011


We miss more than we see or experience...
Because we experience life in matter through the body or filter, we are fooled into believing that matter is the only thing around. Our matter body and our conscious mind are in synchronicity with the perceptions we create from our surroundings. We do not experience all the other energies or realities ,for example we cant see or experience microwaves though our cell phone can feel it, or we cant feel radiowaves though our radioset can catch hundreds of stations as so many radiowaves surrounds us. They are from a different dimension or realm. Since we experience only a fraction of what's going on - we are deceived by our human awareness system. Our awareness system is very limited, but on the other hand, it is a brilliant masterpiece of creation for it is only aware of certain aspects of creation. Quite the feat, for all this is done on purpose! The great Co-Creators are very very crafty...

Tuesday, March 08, 2011


Creation is always new...
The universal mind is and contains consciousness as well as the so called unconsciousness or the Non-Being. The Universal Mind and its manifestations is a Dynamic Energy that changes continuously. Creation is always new! There is nothing outside of this universal mind for all things and beings live within the Unbroken Wholeness. We are this unbroken wholeness or the Universal Mind. It is our mind, but we are tuning out all realities except the physical! The sages of the past used to call this Absolute Reality or Quantum Soup --- the Void. It indeed is a "Nest of Nothingness" out of which all things arise or manifest. From this Absolute Reality all things are created by the directed energies we call thought or mind. The more we are able to focus our thoughts - the more we are able to create. To learn to do this is what the school of earth is all about. We are apprentice creators!

Monday, March 07, 2011


Nothing is outside of ourselves...
We all create our own individual reality out of the Infinite-Holographic-Absolute-Reality that surrounds us and in which we live. We live right within it and are it! We could also call this reality the Reality of God! Also - actually only God exists... only Spirit exists... only Consciousness exists! We are One with this Infinite-Holographic-Absolute-Reality, but we only experience a fraction of its Unbroken Wholeness when we are Human Beings. This Absolute-Reality is like a palette from which we select our realities like a painter selects the paints from his palette. What we see and experience as our physical reality is a specific selection or vibration of the essence of the universe. The Absolute Reality in which we live is also called the Universal Mind...

Sunday, March 06, 2011


All Things are Energy-Force-Fields...
Another remarkable thing is, that there is no objective reality separate from the observer. The reality we experience is self created and we select it from the Absolute Reality that surrounds us. We only experience our own perception of that Reality! So, again - in actuality - physical reality as an objective reality does not exist. Our perception is the reality we think we experience and it is formed from the Infinite Reality we look at. All of us, individually, create our own reality on the  spot - by means of our perceptions! Yeah, this is hard to believe - I know! Further more, all things (read energies) in creation are aspects of each other and one aware energy can experience other energies. These other energies not necessarily are as aware as human beings. Some are less aware and others are more aware. There are different densities of energies with different levels of awareness...