Sunday, February 27, 2011


We are not color blind - we are dimension or density blind...
One of the secrets is - our body is a lens - a filter. It experiences a specific physical reality only - which in and by itself is not actually there - it is an illusion or MAYA as hindu philosophy put it.For example our eye can see only a small part of ELECROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM which spans from cosmic rays 2 big meter waves. It is like seeing though a small hole in the wall. There is no objective reality out there! We create it on the spot in our head. It is like only seeing the color red in a picture that contains a myriad of other colors and then say: I see a red building - it's all red! Possibly we only see one part in a million of the Total Reality that surrounds us. This one millionth part we call Physical Reality. All other realities are filtered out by our awareness system. We are surrounded by all these other realities, but they are not experienced or noticed by human beings. We do not even suspect that they are there! What a surprise...


Saturday, February 26, 2011


We are a fuzzy bit of- stuff that vibrates...
Matter is more than 99.99999% emptiness! There is nothing there but a fuzzy bit of stuff that vibrates like crazy and makes us believe that matter is solid. How come? Another question is - why can't we see through matter if it is more than 99.99999% emptiness? Why do we see and experience solidness? On top of all this, in all the years we go to school - why aren't we told that matter is an illusion? What is the secret? Why keep us dumb...??

Sunday, February 20, 2011


A  patient of mine who was coming to me regularaily for last 10 odd years ,asked me on one of his visits 4 years ago. What your son is doing?.I told him that he is doing MBBS at Pune. He asked me out of blue "When it is going 2 B MA square." I could not comprehend him what he was trying 2 ask. So I asked him 2 explain what he meant by this..He said "UR name starts whit letter M, so does UR wife's (My wife's name being Dr Mamta Pande) so UR M square. UR son name starts with letter A ,so marry him with a girl whose name starts with A.and U will B  MA sqaure. " I gently told him that there is no girl on horizon and it is still 2 early 2 marry him ,as he is in 3rd year MBBS.
On 13 Feb 2011 my son got engaged 2 Dr Anushree ,thus making A sqaure and we are now MA square.  His Predictions have come through,happily though.