Wednesday, July 07, 2010


          If you want to lead a successful and peaceful life you have to
learn relaxation techniques for your mind and body. We often forget that
mind or brain is a machine consisting of neurones connected to each
other and to body parts.It gets tired,run out of neurotransmitters
,gets overloaded and gets influenced by various things like mood
and physical health. One has to learn to keep brain in working order
to get best work from it.
There may be various ways to achieve relaxation and some methods
may be more effective in one than others.So one will have to find
out various methods of relaxation by experimenting.
Now I will  discuss some of the methods.The list is not complete and there may be many more ways of relaxation also list is not in any order
of importance or otherwise.
                   Religion  is mass tranquilliser and is great in relaxing
the tense and tired mind. It works by various beliefs which are
already in our mind .   for example the belief that what ever is happening
is by will of GOD and is for our own good.If anything goes wrong
one can always think that GOD was not willing or I must have
done something wrong in last birth to deserve this.Or the belief that we
have control on work only and fruits are given by God.
It is also universal policeman.It stops one to do anything wrong
even if no body is looking at you because of belief that GOD is always watching you.
          One should use  religion to relax when ever there is some
personal crisis or one can have a daily routine of some prayers.
          Yoga is method to concentrate your mind on something  like GOD.This is achieved by some exercises and teachings.
We know that there are two types of nervous systems in our body
voluntary and involuntary.Voluntary  nervous system controls the
functions which we have our control like moving arm or leg.
Involuntary system controls the functions which are not directly in
our control like heart,mov of intestines,urine formation etc. there is
only one function, respiration which have dual control and both
systems have control over it . so by controling breathing and taking

deep and slow breath one can start controling involuntary nervous
system which is first step to yoga. There are other yogic exercise which are helpful in achieving relaxation .  details about  various exercises and
asans are out of scope of present article and can be found in books of
          Exercise relaxes the mind and make the body healthy.It
leads to release of certain chemicals in brain called endorphins
which are happy hormones of body and create a feeling of happiness
and wellbeing.These hormones are opiates of brain.
          I will be talking more on exercise as to what exercise to do,
how many times a week,how much time a day and so on.
          As you can see that sports has a element of physical exercise
Apart from this there is a feeling of meeting with people,team sprit,
communication,thrill of winning  and competitiveness. It also releases
your tensions and relaxes you.
Games which have no element of physical exercise like chess,cards
etc. but need mental acuty are good for relaxing mind but falls short
of total relaxation so better be played occasionaly.
Games involving some skill but not physical activity like carom,
billiards etc. are still better as they help in forming better co-ordination
between your mind and body apart from relaxation and other benefits.
Sports with less physical activity like golf or cricket are good as can
cause relaxation of mind and feeling of well-being apart from benefits
of physical exercise.
Sports with intense physical activity like Hockey,Football,Basketball
etc. need peak physical fitness and are better played upto certain age
(<30 years).
Table tennis is a game of moderate physical activity and played indoors
is a good game for families and can be played upto 50 years of age or more
if physical condition permits.

5.HOBBIES-One is always advised to cultivate hobbies as it being
ones area of interest is able to relax ones minds hobbies are away
from the profession there is no competition in it therefore has little
tention.One is advised to cultivate hobbies away from the routine work.
Painting, carving terracotta,  reading, coin collection, stamp collection etc.
are good hobbies.As mind has something different to do and with no
time    to be met it becomes relaxing and drain away ones tensions.

6.READING   Though reading is a hobby I have taken it separately
as it is also essential for proper working of mind and to keep up with the recent.Reading can be either of professional books,journals etc.
or newspapers and magazines . Then there is reading of novels,litrature
,poems etc. which are very relaxing if one can cultivate the habit. 

7.TV and MOVIES   TV and Movies relaxes you by distracting your mind from present situation and take your thoughts to makebelive world of movies and drama.

8.TRAVEL AND HOLIDAYS    Holiday relaxes you by braking the routine  and travel by apart from breaking the routine also takes you away from  the present situations and thrill of seeing new things and meeting new people keeps your mind diverted which relaxes it.

9-MEDITATION    Meditation means focusing one’s mind on some thing like GOD  ,a picture ,front of your nose etc and keep it there for some time . This helps by emptying yor mind of worrying thoughts and relaxes you.

10-FRIENDS-   Friends can greatly relaxing. Cultivate people who brightens your mood and keep there company . At least there must be somebody who times of stress can lift your mood and put your thoughts on right tract.

 There might be many more methods to relaxing and the list is not complete but the concept is important to understand and everyone must learn the trick to relax himself or herself.

                                                                   DR MOHAN PANDE MD