Saturday, May 22, 2010


One need 2 grow not only in age but in every sphere including spritualy. 
One must ask oneself what is relegion and what is it,s function. Religeon is a psycological tool 2 give U peace and 2 let U deal with questions of death and disease. One deciple of BUDDHA asked him "what should I do with UR teachings if I don,t need them or they are not relevant 2 me." Lrd BUDDHA answered that suppose U R going through a jungle and a river comes in UR path. U must find a boat 2 cross it.Once U have croosed the river will U carry the boat on UR head. U will leave the boat and will continue UR journey. Similarly in journey of life one must use the goodness of religeon when needed and not take things seriously.

Saturday, May 01, 2010


Suppose this is not 2010 but 1910 and U are standing in front of my clinic and U have 2 go 2 Delhi. How U do it. No roads yet, no cars,no buses ,no train 2 Delhi. There is a dirt road going 2 Delhi through jungle and some people going on foot and some on horseback. So U have no choice but 2 follow.
Now this is 2010 and U have a bus every few minutes leaving for Delhi and if U have a car Delhi is just 3 hrs away. Regular train service for delhi is available. So only a follish person will go on horseback 2 Delhi.
Similarily suppose this is not 2010 but 1810 and U have 2 inform UR uncle living in Kolkata of marriage of UR son. How U do it. No phones, NO post office. U have 2 send a person on horse or U can send it by homing pigeon ,if u have one. But today U can communicate with anybody in world within seconds.
Science touches our lives in all spheres. May it entertainment .cooking. clothes ,living or agriculture. We canot feed our people if we grow food as it was done 100 years ago. So when it comes 2 most important thing –UR own life U want 2 goback hundred of years and use homeopathy or Aurvedic drugs and not modern medicine. It is indeed strange why people do such behaviour.
When u go 2 buy simple thing like cellphone or cloth-U want latest so why not in drugs.How many people come 2 doctors asking for latest medicines or the best. Shows how little U care for UR life and how Ur thinking is not clear.