Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010


There was a rich man and he was unhappy all the time and always scheming of getting richer. He had a  neighbour,who was a clerk earning little but loved his family and would return every evening from work with sweets and fruits and other small things for family. And  there was laughter and happiness from his house. This caused lot of heartburn in richman mind and he could not understand how a poor man family can be happy while his family was so unhappy. So he went to a wise man and put up this question to him. Wiseman thought for a minute and asked rich man. UR neighbours  family is happy because he loves his family and shows affection by bringing small gifts .Rich man wanted a solution to stop laughter from neighbour’s house. Wise man suggested that U should put UR neighbour in “Ninvaynve ke fer mein” .Rich man got the hint and threw some money in neighbour’s house.  The clerk had some money and wanted more so he stopped bringing home fruits ,gifts to save more and more money. He may have got richer by few thousand but was less happy and miserable man.
                        When I was young I used to think that being KANJOOS or spedthrift is a habit but nomore. I know it is a disease like kleptomania, gambling ,compulsive shopping and so on.

Saturday, January 02, 2010